Affichage transparent

Sprite Of Led Display

Affichage transparent

Nos écrans LED transparents permettent des affichages visuels époustouflants tout en offrant transparence et polyvalence dans la conception, ce qui les rend idéaux pour les vitrines de magasins, les toiles de fond de scène et bien plus encore. Avec un haut degré de transparence et des couleurs vives, nos écrans LED transparents sont la solution parfaite pour ceux qui recherchent un affichage élégant et moderne.

At the same time, there are also new and unique display effects that the audience can watch from the ideal distance, such as the picture suspended on the glass curtain wall. LED transparent screen makes the application of LED display screen expand to the two major markets of building glass curtain wall and commercial retail window, and becomes the new direction of new media development. The application of LED transparent screen continues to expand.

Our Products for Transparent Led Display


OC-TR series

The OC-TR series products are designed with flat transparent display as the starting point to design a bright and transparent indoor display with a front display and a light-transmitting and ventilated back.


OC-TS series

OC-TS series products are designed with curved surface transparent display as the starting point to design a bright and transparent indoor display with a front display and a light-transmitting and ventilated back.


OC-FM series

OC-FL series products are ultra-transparent led film screens, transparent display, light & slim cabinet, easy installation, and crystal clear display.


OC-CT series

OC-CT series products are outdoor curtain transparent LED displays, the screen is light in weight, the cabinet does not have a fan for heat dissipation, natural wind can help heat dissipation, energy-saving design.